Course Design Process

Steps for Designing with CODL
Step 1: Connect
Contact us to discuss your needs and schedule a consultation. We are available to meet in person at our offices on the Lawrence or Edwards campuses, virtually through Microsoft Teams or Zoom, or at your campus office.
Step 2: Discover
Advance your knowledge of learning objectives, assessments, activities, materials, and tools for online courses with our instructional designers.
Use Bloom's Taxonomy to structure your objectives. Low to high-level thinking skills:
- Remember facts and basic concepts
- Explain ideas and concepts
- Apply information
- Analyze ideas
- Evaluate or justify a decision
- Create
Step 3: Organize
The learning process is made more clear and measurable when objectives are clearly articulated and linked to content, activities, and assessments that engage. Whether contained within lessons, modules, units, or part of the overall course goals, solidifying learning objectives and structuring the process by which they will be achieved is a fundamental standard in online course design. Use the Course Design Matrix below as an exercise in organization.
Step 4: Build
We can build a course model in Canvas and design activities to accompany your content. At this stage many instructors also utilize our media production services to create welcome videos, introductions to modules or units, and work with our specialists to ensure fair use of other media used in the course.
Step 5: Assess
We support many forms of tests and quizzes in Canvas, and we will help you build them. We also offer rubrics to standardize grading, alternatives to traditional proctored exams, and in-person proctoring solutions if needed.
Step 6: Review
An instructional designer who has not worked with you to design your course will perform a Quality Matters review to ensure best practices and standards in course design are being met and will offer suggestions for improvement if applicable.
Course Design Matrix
Module/Unit/Chapter | Learning Objective | Activities/Materials | Assessments |
Examples | What will students be able to do when they complete this module/unit/chapter? | How will students engage in active learning online to meet the objective? Discussion questions, group projects, writing, etc. | How will you measure to determine learning? Quizzes, tests, writing assignments using rubric, etc. |
Unit 1 | Students will be able to identify three causes of ground water contamination. | Students will view pre-recorded lectures. | Multiple-choice online quiz |
Unit 2 | Students will be able to explain how deficiencies in the sewage system contributes to ground contamination. | Students will read articles and case studies. | Short paper (assessed using a rubric) |
Unit 3 | Students will be able to defend at least one method of ground water contamination prevention. | Students will comment on at least one peer post. | Discussion board rubric |